Identity and graphic design for innovative promotional and company products for Gruppo ASA from San Marino, one of the worldwide leaders in the production of metal packaging. This was carried out in partnership with Agenzia di Comunicazione Empresa Creativa, which created the identity, the naming and the main images for C.OL.O.M.BO. and PLUS & BIPLUS.

We subsequently complemented with the graphic design of some Company trucks, with the graphic staging of their trade stands, with live graphic design activity and public relations during the trade fair Enolitech – Sol & Vinitaly in Verona, as well as the graphic design of brochures, promotional products, photo shoots, leaflets, flyers, stickers, letterhead, envelops and newspaper ads.

Client Gruppo ASA Studio Gruppo ASA — Empresa Creativa Designer  – Branding – Packaging Valentina Ciandrini


Is an acronym which stands for Customized Olive Oil Metallic Bottle, a bottle-shaped metallic container, suitable for contact with food, in particular extra virgin olive oil. Thanks to this innovative packaging in metal sheet, Piave1938 won the FOOD 2016 product prize for packaging, with its new line of “wellness oils”.


Is the new element which combines the benefits of steel with the advantages of plastic.


Plus & Biplus are their new opening systems for tinplate cans.


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